The international and interdisciplinary journal Entropy has launched a special issue, entitled Entropic and Complexity Measures in Atomic and Molecular Systems. The guest editors are two members of iC1, the researchers Juan Carlos Angulo (from the University of Granada) and Sheila López-Rosa (from the University of Sevilla).
It is a number classified in the Information Theory, Probability and Statistics section and in which, as stated by its editors, there is room for contributions of a very diverse type considering the wideness of Information Theory regarding foundations and applications.
In this issue, special attention is paid to the study of entropic and complexity functionals, or others related to them, for the informational analysis of atomic and molecular systems. Such studies are of interest whether they are developed in a theoretical or computational framework.
The institute’s background reveals the interest aroused by information theory in the research work of many of its members, in the classical and quantum contexts. This is shown by the very diverse presentations and publications that make up its scientific record, from the foundation of the institution to the present date. For this reason, we encourage participation in this issue with the security of gathering works of great interest on the subject.
The deadline for the submission of papers is September 13, and at any time that is required you can contact the guest editors to solve any question.