Speaker: Prof. Juan J. Ruiz-Lorenzo, Physics Department, Instituto de Computación Científica Avanzada de Extremadura, Universidad de Extremadura
Giorgio Parisi, Physics Nobel Prize 2021, has made important contributions in different fields of physics, in which we can highlight Quantum Chromodynamics simulations in reticulum, dedicated supercomputer design, hadron collision reconstruction in particle accelerators, stochastic quantization, multifractals, stochastic resonance, the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation, dimensional reduction and the study of phase transitions of fixed size. However, its major achievement has been his theoretic research of spin glasses which gave to the theory of replica symmetry rupture, which Swedish scholars have considered deserving of the Nobel prize. The amazing properties of its theory have applications in the study of different complex systems, like glasses, neural networks, machine learning and the study of hard to solve problems in the computation field. In this talk we’ll discuss some of his different works, as some aspects of the awarded’s biography.
Day: friday 17th December, 2021
Time: 12:30
Place: classroom F-1 (Facultad de Ciencias, edificio de Física)