I published a couple of articles, in Condensed
Matter and Genetics, previous to my PhD. I started my PhD in Mathematical Physics, on group-
theoretical methods of quantization, realizing two predoctoral stays of three months in UK and USA. I
finished my PhD with 8 published papers and received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award from
University of Granada.
I realized a postdoc stay of two years at Naples (Italy), with an Spanish grant, working on
geometrical quantization methods and in gravitational lensing with G. Marmo.
I joined University of Murcia (Spain) as an Assistant Professor in Applied Maths in 1999, becoming
Associate Professor in 2000. Since then I have worked in Group-theoretical methods in quantization
(Non Abelian gauge theories and quantization of non-linear systems) and Harmonic analysis
(coherent states and wavelets).
I’m coauthor of 60 articles in indexed journals, most included in JCR, and some in the main collection
of WoS. The last ones are proceedings of conferences published in journals like ”Journal of Physics:
Conference Series”, from IOP, with standard referee process and similar quality criteria to those of
I’m coauthor of a book chapter, ”Harmonic Analysis On Groups: Sampling Theorems And Discrete
Fourier Transforms”, of the series Advances in Mathematics Research (Nova Science).
I have presented 39 contributions in international conferences of annual or biannual periodicity, 32
oral and 7 posters, being the speaker in 21 of them. Two of them have been as an invited speaker.
I have been a speaker in 7 (non regular) international conferences, three of them as invited speaker.
I have delivered 13 invited seminars in universities and research centers both national (5) and
international (8). I have delivered invited curses in a summer school in Trieste (Italy)and in a fall
school in Puebla (Mxico).
I have co-supervised 3 PhD thesis (two of them with Mention of European doctorate). I have
(co-)supervised 3 thesis for a diploma of advanced studies (DEA), 1 grade thesis, 2 master thesis
and 2 end-of-degree projects.
I have been member of the organizing committee of two international conferences and of two
summer schools of the Universidad Internacional del Mar (Murcia University).
I have participated in 7 national (DGICyT) and 4 regional research projects (one of them Excellence
project), being IP in two of them. I have also been member of a research project in Italy (as a
postdoc), and I have been member of a PESC European network. Currently I am a member of a
national research project.
I have realized an invited stay of 1 month in Naples (Italy), and short invited stays (1 to 3 weeks) in
Italy, Mexico and France.
I have been referee of 15 JCR journals of medium to high impact. I’m a regular referee (more than 55
referred papers) of Journal of Physics A (one of the main journals in Mathematical Physics).
I’m reviewer of Mathematical Review.