Lemus (UNAM, México). The thesis focused on the
application of the 1D limit of the vibron model (an approach based on Lie algebras) to the
study of the vibrational spectra of polyatomic molecules, and the interplay of discrete and
continuous symmetries in this problem. This line of research has evolved and is still active,
involving research groups in the University of Huelva (UHU), the CSIC, and UNAM,
searching connections between algebraic and traditional approaches to molecular structure
and modeling Raman spectra (18 ISI papers published, e.g. Ref. [5]).
My research in algebraic models continued as a postdoc in the Yale University Center for
Theoretical Physics (USA). I worked with P.H. Vaccaro and F. Iachello on an algebraic
approach to compute Franck-Condon factors (5 ISI papers). The work was initially limited to
modeling vibrational spectra, but later on it included coupling with rotations to model linear to
bent geometry transitions, Quantum Phase Transitions, and Excited State Quantum Phase
Transitions in bosonic many body systems. I have extensively studied the 2D limit of the
vibron model, that has proved very useful in the modeling of bending dynamics, providing a
simple and unified framework for the study of quasilinear and non rigid molecules [10]. This is
still an active line of research, with an ongoing collaboration between the universities of
Huelva, Yale, Yeshiva, Padova, Sevilla, UNAM, and Granada; studying different aspects of
the dynamics of single ([3, 6, 10]; 11 ISI papers) and coupled sytems ([4, 9]; 5 ISI papers),
and the structure of endohedral species, in particular of H2@C60 ([1]; 1 ISI paper).
I also work on a line of research aiming to describe weakly-bound quantum systems with a
pseudostate continuum discretization based on a transformed harmonic oscillator basis. This
line started in 2001 through a collaboration with researchers in the US. This approach,
initially started for 1D systems, has been extended to 3D systems and applied to halo nuclei
reaction calculations ([8], 10 ISI papers). Thanks to a José Castillejo grant in 2008, this line
has been also developed in collaboration with researchers in the Padova and Tohoku
universities, with the study of structure and transfer problems in a 1D model for Borromean
halo nuclei, a three-body system bound by a density-dependent contact residual interaction
(e.g. [2], 3 ISI papers).
I have considerable experience working with GNU/Linux systems, being responsible for the
setup of Linux clusters in the US and the UHU. This experience helped me in the period
2002-2009 when I worked on the setup of the DAQ system of the UHU nuclear physics
group, participating in several experiments (e.g. [7], 8 ISI papers). I am also corresponsible
person of the recently installed system HPC@UHU.
I have attended approximately 40 internatinal meetings, communicating my research results,
with 6 invited talks, and participated in the organization of several international meetings (see
In the UHU I have been appointed as the director of the recently created University of Huelva
Research Center for Physics, Mathematics and Computation. I am a member of the
Academic Committee of the “Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Industrial y Ambiental”,
being the responsible person for the line “Física, Matemáticas y Computación”.